

Сортировать по цене
HOWELLS Choral Works 11949₽
HOWELLS: Choral Works

11 949

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Bantock Omar Khayyam BBCSymphony Chorus and Orchestra Vernon Handley 10800₽
Bantock: Omar Khayyam BBCSymphony Chorus and Orchestra, Vernon Handley

10 800

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HOWELLS Choral Works 3599₽
HOWELLS: Choral Works

3 599

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Tippett Choral Music Andrew Lumsden Finzi Singers Paul Spicer 1 CD 3599₽
Tippett: Choral Music / Andrew Lumsden, Finzi Singers. Paul Spicer (1 CD)

3 599

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Grainger Edition Vol10 - Works for Pianos Penelope Thwaites Wayne Marshall 3599₽
Grainger Edition, Vol.10 - Works for Pianos / Penelope Thwaites, Wayne Marshall

3 599

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Grainger Edition Vol6 - Works for Orchestra 2 BBC Philharmonic Richard Hickox 1 CD 6349₽
Grainger Edition, Vol.6 - Works for Orchestra 2. / BBC Philharmonic. Richard Hickox (1 CD)

6 349

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Spanish Portuguese Vihuela Songs 27 titles wSarah Stowe soprano and Matthew Spring 3999₽
Spanish & Portuguese Vihuela Songs' (27 titles w.Sarah Stowe, soprano and Matthew Spring,

3 999

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Nabakov Nicolas 1903-1978- Ode Meditation sur la majeste de Dieu wMarina Shaguch so 4449₽
Nabakov, Nicolas {1903-1978}- Ode: Meditation sur la majeste de Dieu {w.Marina Shaguch [so

4 449

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Nielsen Choral Works Leif Segerstam 1 CD 5699₽
Nielsen: Choral Works. / Leif Segerstam (1 CD)

5 699

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HOLST Ave Maria TheCloud Messenger A Choral Fantasia Part-Songs 6349₽
HOLST: Ave Maria / TheCloud Messenger / A Choral Fantasia / Part-Songs

6 349

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HOWELLS Missa Sabrinensis Stabat Mater 6349₽
HOWELLS: Missa Sabrinensis / Stabat Mater

6 349

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Herbert Howells Missa Sabrinensis 1 CD 11949₽
Herbert Howells: Missa Sabrinensis (1 CD)

11 949

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Bach Lutheran Masses Vol 2 Purcell Quartet 1 CD 5699₽
Bach: Lutheran Masses, Vol. 2 / Purcell Quartet (1 CD)

5 699

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German Wind Band Classics Royal Northern College of Music Wind Orchestra 5699₽
German Wind Band Classics / Royal Northern College of Music Wind Orchestra

5 699

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Berkeley Edition Vol 3 Symphony No 4 Cello Concerto BBC National Orchestra of Wales Richard Hickox 6849₽
Berkeley Edition, Vol. 3: Symphony No. 4; Cello Concerto. BBC National Orchestra of Wales, Richard...

6 849

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Franck Psyche BBCNational Chorus and Orchestra of Wales Tadaaki Otaka 1 CD 5699₽
Franck: Psyche / BBCNational Chorus and Orchestra of Wales. Tadaaki Otaka (1 CD)

5 699

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Grainger Edition Vol16 - Works for Solo Piano part 1 Penelope Thwaites 1 CD 3599₽
Grainger Edition, Vol.16 - Works for Solo Piano part 1. / Penelope Thwaites (1 CD)

3 599

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PARRY Invocation to Music TheSouls Ransom TheLotos-Eaters Blest Pair of Sirens 6349₽
PARRY: Invocation to Music / TheSoul's Ransom / TheLotos-Eaters / Blest Pair of Sirens

6 349

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Hugo Wolf Ileana Cotrubas Thomas Allen Geoffrey Parsons Wolf Italienisches Lieder 2499₽
Hugo Wolf & Ileana Cotrubas & Thomas Allen & Geoffrey Parsons: Wolf : Italienisches Lieder

2 499

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Delius Florida Suite North Country Sketches Ulster Orchestra 3599₽
Delius: Florida Suite; North Country Sketches. / Ulster Orchestra

3 599

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Bax Tone Poems Vol2 BBC Philharmonic Vernon Handley 1 CD 5699₽
Bax: Tone Poems, Vol.2 / BBC Philharmonic; Vernon Handley (1 CD)

5 699

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Sergey Prokofiev Sinfonia Concertante Op 125 for Cello Orchestra Romeo and Juliet 2499₽
Sergey Prokofiev: Sinfonia Concertante, Op. 125, for Cello & Orchestra / Romeo and Juliet,

2 499

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Gunning Symphonies Nos 3 4 Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Christopher Gunning 1 CD 5699₽
Gunning: Symphonies Nos 3 & 4 / Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. Christopher Gunning (1 CD)

5 699

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Bax Bard of Dimbovitza In Memoriam Concertante for Piano 6349₽
Bax: Bard of Dimbovitza In Memoriam Concertante for Piano

6 349

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Herbert Howells Stabat Mater 12099₽
Herbert Howells: Stabat Mater

12 099

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Goossens Phantasy Concerto Symphony No 1 Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Richard Hickox 5400₽
Goossens: Phantasy Concerto; Symphony No. 1. Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Richard Hickox

5 400

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Still Dawson Ellington Orchestral Works Detroit Symphony Orchestra 5699₽
Still / Dawson / Ellington: Orchestral Works. / Detroit Symphony Orchestra

5 699

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Volans Music for Wind Ensemble Peter Donohoe Kevin Volans Netherlands Wind Ensemble 5699₽
Volans: Music for Wind Ensemble / Peter Donohoe, Kevin Volans, Netherlands Wind Ensemble

5 699

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Grainger Edition Vol15 - Works for Orchestra 3 BBC Philharmonic Richard Hickox 1 CD 5699₽
Grainger Edition, Vol.15 - Works for Orchestra 3 / BBC Philharmonic. Richard Hickox (1 CD)

5 699

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Grainger Edition Vol13 - Works for Chamber Ensemble part 1 3599₽
Grainger Edition, Vol.13 - Works for Chamber Ensemble part 1

3 599

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Grechaninov Liturgica Domestica 1 CD 4249₽
Grechaninov: Liturgica Domestica (1 CD)

4 249

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William Lawes Fantasia Suites - The Purcell Quartet 1 CD 2999₽
William Lawes: Fantasia Suites - The Purcell Quartet (1 CD)

2 999

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Grainger Edition Vol14 - Works for Chamber Ensemble part 2 Della Jones Martyn Hill 3999₽
Grainger Edition, Vol.14 - Works for Chamber Ensemble part 2. / Della Jones, Martyn Hill

3 999

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HENEGAN LAWSON Walking the Wild Rhondda 3549₽
HENEGAN LAWSON: Walking the Wild Rhondda

3 549

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Johann Froberger Tombeau German Harpsichord Music of the Seventeenth Century 1 CD 4699₽
Johann Froberger: Tombeau: German Harpsichord Music of the Seventeenth Century (1 CD)

4 699

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Walton Cello Concerto Raphael Wallfisch London Philharmonic Orchestra 3599₽
Walton: Cello Concerto / Raphael Wallfisch, London Philharmonic Orchestra

3 599

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Grainger Edition Vol4 - Works for Wind Orchestra part 1 3599₽
Grainger Edition, Vol.4 - Works for Wind Orchestra part 1.

3 599

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Eisler Die Mutter Coro della Radio Svizzera Diego Fasolis 5038₽
Eisler: Die Mutter. Coro della Radio Svizzera, Diego Fasolis

5 038

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Dove Siren Song Siren Ensemble Henk Guittart 3599₽
Dove: Siren Song. / Siren Ensemble, Henk Guittart

3 599

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Walton Cello Concerto Raphael Wallfisch London Philharmonic Orchestra Bryden Thomson 2650₽
Walton: Cello Concerto Raphael Wallfisch, London Philharmonic Orchestra. Bryden Thomson

2 650

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Delius Florida Suite North Country Sketches Ulster Orchestra London Philharmonic Orchestra Vernon Handley 2650₽
Delius: Florida Suite; North Country Sketches. Ulster Orchestra, London Philharmonic Orchestra....

2 650

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Bach Buxtehude Organ Works Piet Kee 4299₽
Bach / Buxtehude: Organ Works / Piet Kee

4 299

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Bennett The Mines of Sulphur Glimmerglass Opera Orchestra Stewart Robertson 10800₽
Bennett: The Mines of Sulphur Glimmerglass Opera Orchestra, Stewart Robertson

10 800

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Wolf Lieder Felicity Lott Geoffrey Parsons 5038₽
Wolf: Lieder Felicity Lott, Geoffrey Parsons

5 038

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Nabakov Nicolas 1903-1978- Ode Meditation sur la majeste de Dieu w Marina Shaguch soprano 2962₽
Nabakov, Nicolas {1903-1978}- Ode: Meditation sur la majeste de Dieu {w. Marina Shaguch [soprano],...

2 962

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Hamilton Harty Irish Symphony Comedy Overture In Ireland 7199₽
Hamilton Harty: Irish Symphony Comedy Overture In Ireland

7 199

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Leighton Piano Works Margaret Fingerhut 2650₽
Leighton: Piano Works Margaret Fingerhut

2 650

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Palestrina Music for Holy Saturday Musica Contexta Simon Ravens 5699₽
Palestrina: Music for Holy Saturday / Musica Contexta. Simon Ravens

5 699

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